About 1776 University

"if you don't know your rights, you don't have any rights."
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1776 University
1776 University was founded with a core mission of educating the American people as to their constitutional, civil and human rights.
As we say, "if you don't know your rights, you don't have any rights."
1776 University is your complete community freedom source where members throughout the United States and the world get all the information they need to exercise their rights, connect with the worldwide freedom community and get all the resources they need to live an exceptional, expansive and successful life.
Our mission is to bring freedom back to the people of United States for not only our generation but for generations to come.
We are so excited to welcome you to the freedom community!

Over 40 Years of Experience

Satisfied students

Certified experts

— Our team

Our qualified team is always ready to help you

Leroy Truth

Leroy Truth AKA Lex Filipowski js the owner and operator of the YouTube channel Leroy Truth Investigations. He is also an activist, international speaker, Five-Time Grammy Award Winner, entrepreneur, businessman and national and international agent of change.
Leroy has profoundly valued not just the concept of freedom but the actualization, the experience of freedom for each individual since he was a child.
Leroy has worked directly with Senator Schumer on numerous projects including creating police reform on the Hudson River when police were out of control in harassing and assaulting voters with no probable cause. The boaters were demanding peoples IDs completely disregarding the fourth amendment and Leroy decided to end that illegal and criminal practice of the police.
Leroy worked i'm bringing us about tirelessly for four years. The story was eventually picked up front page nationally by the New York Times as well as the associated press in many other outlets. We were also held an on water boat protest on the Hudson River I wish hundreds of votes join him to demand police reform

Leroy then met with all of the police agencies from New York City up to Albany with the Commander of the US Coast Guard Sector New York, Kenneth Pierro moderating that meeting.
Leroy ENDED the police harassment of boaters on the Hudson River.
However, Leroy always knew that it was not simply a problem of cops on the river disregarding civil and human rights, that it was a problem of all cops and he eventually he will need to address the greater problem for all of us, we the people in the United States of America and that's what 1776 University was created for.
Leroy also took on the Catholic Church and the Archdiocese of New York to get justice for survivors of sexual abuse as Leroy is a survivor of sexual abuse while he was an altar boy at a Catholic Church.
Leroy was one of the leaders in advocating, speaking for and eventually getting the New York State legislature to pass The New York Child Victims Act giving the opportunity for hundreds of thousands of survivors of sexual abuse whether it be priests, Boy Scouts leaders, teachers, police and family members the right to sue and finally seek justice for the crimes that were perpetrated against them.
Leroy has been working tirelessly to create police reform since the first time he was assaulted by a police officer for refusing to give his ID when the officer would not tell Leroy what law he had broken.
In frustration for Leroy standing up for his first amendment rights, the police officer took his gun out of his holster, placed it next to the temple of Leroy's head with his finger on the trigger and then proceeded to arrest Leroy. So Leroy knows exactly the experience of what happens when cops are out of control and there is almost no accountability he personally knows and has experienced when cops do the wrong thing and harass, assault and even murder us with almost no accountability or consequences for their actions.
Leroy is dedicated to bringing about police reform for all of us throughout the United States of America. And that's one of his biggest inspirations for joining forces with Josh of Accountability For All to bring us about once and for all

Joshua Abrams

Josh Abrams is the Owner & Operator for YouTube's Accountability For All. He is a Civil Rights Activist with over 120,000 subscribers that is unrivaled in his field. His exploits have made nationwide news and brought about major reform in both government and police accountability. Some of his stories resulting in sustained complaints, Case Law, termination of both government officials and police officers and lawsuits. He brings a studied experience to 1776 University and the students it serves. His knowledge of both local and federal laws combined with his extensive field work provides a unique insight to those who are passionate in pursuing their rights.

Between Josh's guerilla style journalism and Lexingtons proven results with effective change working with law makers such as U.S. Senator Chuck Schumer, students get a knowledge unparalleled in this field.
1776 University is a complete one stop shop whether your a novice just curious about your rights, an Officionato honing their skills or the next activist looking to make change today. Every bridge was crossed starting with one small step. And each activist was born crossing that threshold. Take that step with 76U and be the change you want to see today!

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